MAT 3120 (Fall 2010)

Analysis III

Computation of Grades

You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course. If you pass the final exam, your final grade for the course will be calculated in one of the following two ways. For each student, the method of computation chosen will be the one that results in the higher final grade.

Homework: 20% Homework: 20%
Midterm: 30%
Midterm: 10%
Final Exam: 50% Final Exam: 70%

In the computation of the homework portion of each student's grade, the lowest homework mark will be dropped.

Midterm exams cannot be rescheduled. If you miss the midterm exam for a legitimate (properly documented) reason, its weight will be added to the weight of the final exam in the computation of your course grade.

Virtual Campus: Grades will be posted on virtual campus.

Explanation of Grades: An explanation of grades in the Faculty of Science can be found here.