There will be eight quizzes, completed during DGDs on the dates indicated below. Each quiz will be designed so that it can be completed in 10 minutes or less. However, students will be given approximately 20 minutes to complete each quiz. Solutions will be posted in Brightspace. Graded quizzes will be returned in the DGDs, with comments from the grader.
- Quiz 1: January 15/17
- Quiz 2: January 22/24
- Quiz 3: January 29/31
- Quiz 4: February 12/14
- Quiz 5: February 26/28
- Quiz 6: March 5/7
- Quiz 7: March 19/21
- Quiz 8: March 26/28
In the computation of the quizzes portion of your grade, your lowest two quiz marks will be dropped. If you miss a quiz, this counts as one of the quiz marks that will be dropped.
All quizzes, midterm tests, and the final exam are closed-book. Calculators are not allowed, nor are they needed. Students should bring blank paper on which to write their solutions and hand in.