
Format and submission

Assignments are due by 5pm on the dates indicated below. They should be submitted electronically through Brightspace. No assignments will be accepted after the deadline. Therefore, you should plan to submit your assignments well before the deadline.

Assignments must be prepared using LaTeX, which is the worldwide standard for writing mathematics. More information on preparing assignments using LaTeX can be found here.


Assignments will be posted on Brightspace at least one week before the due date. Graded assignments (with comments) will be returned through Brightspace and solutions posted below. Since the assignments may include exercises in a textbook, the solutions will be password protected. The password is available on Brightspace.

  • Assignment 1: September 17
  • Assignment 2: September 27
  • Assignment 3: October 11
  • Assignment 4: October 29
  • Assignment 5: November 15
  • Assignment 6: November 26
  • Assignment 7: December 3


Assignments will be graded electronically, with comments added to your pdf file. To download the graded file with comments, in Brightspace, go to Class Progress → Assignments → Details. When you've downloaded the marked copy, the best way to view all the comments is to view the file in Adobe Reader. In Adobe Reader, near the top right of the window, click on "Comments". This will open a frame on the right with all the comments. Clicking on a comment will jump to the part of the document where the comment is located.

Collaboration and academic fraud

It is natural, and even encouraged, for students to discuss questions on the assignments. It is perfectly acceptable for students to help each other in general terms. However, each student should submit their own work. It is not acceptable to copy another student's assignment. Equivalently, it is not acceptable to allow another student to copy your assignment. It is also not okay for one student to tell another student exactly how to answer a question. Any help should consist in pointing a student in a general direction. You should acknowledge any collaboration or help you received at the top of your assignment, with a sentence along the lines of "I worked with students X and Y on this assignment" or "Student Z helped me with question 3". Academic fraud is taken seriously in this course. See the university policy posted here.